Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Lovely #9 - Northern Cardinal

I must say that I really wasn't feeling it today, photographically speaking.  But, I drug myself outside and huddled on the patio, in the cold, camera in hand.  And, eventually I saw a bit of orange on the far side of the cherry tree.  Suddenly, I was on the moment...waiting.  And eventually she came round to my side and perched out on a nice branch with a clean background.  The overcast skies made perfect shooting conditions so the image required very little in the way of edits.  And I now have my record shot of Yardbird #9, the female Northern Cardinal.  I'll blip her equally showy mate at some point since the sexes are quite different in appearance.  

I hadn't seen the Wild Turkeys for a couple of days but when I looked out the window just a few moments ago, all six were foraging on the patio and garden.  Making me very happy indeed.

I should be working on gathering our tax info today, but I can't get motivated, so I am going to procrastinate and hopefully do it tomorrow or Saturday...

We were, once again, tuned into the Impeachment hearings last night.  Being only the third time in American history that a sitting President has been impeached (and the second time during my life), I feel that it's something worth watching.  I think we all know what the outcome will be, but still...  

I'm going to start adding my workout notes at the bottom of my journal as I know it's not very interesting to most people.  I do, however, like to keep a record for myself and this is a good place to do it.  


Fitness Record:  1.25 miles on the treadmill at a pace of 3.2 MPH followed by 2.3 miles on the elliptical keeping my heart rate at around 130 for optimum cardiac fitness.  The treadmill is still slow going as my broken bones continue to mend.  

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