New Shoes

We ventured out and about again today to a party in Milton Keynes. After the hideousness of driving yesterday I was relieved to see that all the roads were clear.
We dropped Miss E off in Build-a-Bear and had instructions to meet up again in Pizza Express a couple of hours later. It was the first party I've ever left her at and it felt a bit odd just walking off! But the Mum who organised the party had assigned kids to adults and seemed more than capable of dealing with 24 four and five year olds! Rather her than me!!
I went for coffee with Mrs A and then met up with Mr K and Miss L for lunch. In McDonalds. The kids are in Pizza Express and we end up in McDonalds!
Miss E was giddy when we picked her up. They'd had such a good time and I think it felt grown up to be out without Mummy and Daddy.We had to go back to Build-a-Bear for Miss E to choose some shoes for her creation. She chose these rather spectacular multi-coloured jewelled numbers. Pretty snazzy!
Then it was home. To the sofa and The Gruffalo's Child for me and Miss L, and the garden and snowman building for Mr K and Miss E.

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