Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I decided to go totally out of the box for Derelict Sunday this week. This is a photo, taken today, of an X-ray of my broken foot taken Dec 1 about 2.5 weeks after I fell. I think it fits the derelict theme because, well...these bones are nearly 64 years old, and they are pretty clearly in decrepit shape. At least the two broken ones. All just a bit of fun, really. ( the Blip, not the broken bones)

Busy day that started with a trip to the gym, then home for a quick breakfast before packing both cats up for their annual trip to the vet. Cats are creatures of habit which is to say that they really don’t care for change. And they especially don’t like going to the vet. So corralling them and stuffing them into the crates was just the beginning - we were then serenaded for the half hour it took us to drive to the vet. Then an hour wait as they had several emergencies come in. But cutting to the chase, both were examined, blood was taken and a follow up for teeth cleaning was scheduled for Charlie. the trip home was much quieter and both cats are now no doubt plotting their revenge.

Yesterday ended with some excitement. Hubs and I were snuggled on the sofa watching TV when I heard something. I quickly paused the TV and cautioned Hubs to be quiet while I listened. And there it was - the very distinctive “who cook for youuuuu” of a pair of Barred Owls! Very exciting as we’ve never had them here before. They talked for several hours, one quite close and the other somewhere in the distance. It would be lovely if they stayed and raised a brood. I will be listening intently tonight...

Happy Sunday

Fitness Notes: 1.25 miles on the treadmill at a pace of 3.2 MPH followed by 1.5 miles on elliptical with an average heart rate of 133

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