The Return to Europe!

Well, of course, now that Remain has come to an inevitable if reluctant end, Rejoin is in preparation. But for now, we return our Charlie to the fond embrace of Munich after a lovely visit. With luck, her life in Europe will be long and happy as she prepares for a few more years of academia.

So it was with smiles but heavy hearts that we took her into Bristol for a bus to London and thence to Germany. She left still a citizen of Europe, but goes back as a foreigner, in transition between resident and immigrant worker. And she leaves a sadder Britain than she arrived in.

I'm so upset that liars and cheats and elite billionaires have proven they can do whatever they choose. I suppose 'twas ever thus, but not so grindingly obvious. Those who only read the large print headlines and watch the talking heads have ill served the country they purport to love.

And on that note, it's over. I'm looking forward to far happier blips hereonin. Not because the problems have gone away, but simply because I refuse to spend any more energy on them. That's a privileged position I know, but hey, for now, turn up the volume.

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