Great day

It has been a long and cold but very nice day. Helle came this morning and we have trained dogs and choreographed new routines all day.

At days like this is would be wonderful to have some kind of indoor training hall, but at least it has been a beautiful and sunny day, so being outdoors could have been a lot worse.

When we were done training, we took all of the dogs for a walk. Doggie - one of Helle's dogs - lost her collar, so the walk ended up being a lot longer than first expected as we had to go back and look for it. We were almost back at home when Helle realised that Doggie wasn't wearing her collar and Bridie was not impressed! She could almost see her nice warm dog bed and then we turned around! Helle felt sorry for her and carried her some of the way. Not for very long though as Bridier is heavier than she looks :-)

Now I am waiting for some TV lady that has said she will ring tonight. I hope it won't be too late. I am pretty tired after a long day outside.

Hope you all had a good Sunday!
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys + Bridie

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