Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I am still struggling with my photo mojo right now, in part because the bird selection is kind of thin this time of year; and the insect selection is non-existent.  However, on Sunday our local weather-predicting groundhog, Stonewall Jackson, was drug out of his burrow and promptly indicated that spring is coming.  And, the goldfinches are starting to show splashes of their summer colors.  And that all means that eventually the summer migrants will return, along with the insects.  

I chose this shot because you can see just a small bit of feathers on his head that will eventually be a jaunty black cap set against a bright yellow background.  

Gym this morning, then lunch with a friend, then some time in the hide.  Of course, almost as soon as I came inside from my hide-time, the turkeys showed up and they are out there still.  I still need to catch a good photo of one for my yardbirds project.  Soon...

Thanks for stopping by.


Fitness notes - 2.5 miles on the elliptical followed by 1.2 on the treadmill.  Milestone today was getting speed up to 3.8 MPH with a 1% incline.  Slow and steady wins the race.

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