Great oaks from little ...

oaks grow.

Eight baby oaks were delivered this afternoon. They're currently at the side of the house but they're destined for an area of the riverbank which is going to be designated an ARK (Acts of Restorative Kindness) Some trees have been taken down to build the new student accommodation so, although ARKs are minimally managed, these oaks will be a bit of a counterbalance to the trees which have gone. They'll have to be planted within the next month but at the moment they're ok here. You can read more here, if you're interested

I was at the dentist for an early appointment. Just a check up I thought. Now I'm preparing to go back this afternoon for the first of two appointments to build a crown on my 'best' molar which has developed a hairline crack. Wear and tear says the dentist. That, along with a Community Council catch up, will account for the rest of the day I imagine.

My library book is Motherwell by the late Deborah Orr. It's not a comfortable read but it's excellent.

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