Not Going Out!

Storm Ciara looks to have lived up to expectations and caused a few serious problems in parts of the UK and the near continent.  We have escaped with nothing worse than a damp, windy day and a missed blipmeet.  We had intended to drive up to Weston Park and meet up with several other blippers to see Graham Colling's Exhibition.  I had an exchange of early morning text messages with Technophobe & Hildasrose,  then a look at the community pages and it was clear most of us were not wanting to travel. At least two made it!
Gill and I are intending to go in half term week, probably on the Monday.

At one point I thought I might be blipping a fallen tree in the railway cutting, but they all appear to have survived the blast, so, as we won't be driving anywhere .... 

Sadly, for some things are much more difficult.  We had messages from Gill's sister Chris, this afternoon.  She and her husband are wardens on a camp site in Keswick - evacuated at 02:00 this morning.  See extras.  Thankfully, they are ok although a couple of caravans and vehicles didn't get out in time and might well be write-offs.

Hope everyone else is ok!

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