Journey Through Time

By Sue

Squirrel Appreciation Day (Western Grey)

Is this a real day? Well, Debbi said I had to put up a squirrel here it is. That link will show you yesterday's image that she put up...just move on to today's as she will have a gorgeous squirrel shot, I'm certain of it.

Our squirrel gang gets shooed away a lot so they run when we go outside (mostly), so this was taken from my slightly open patio door and across the back yard. He found the chopped up apples I put out for the birds. It was a really cold night, and we had to break up the ice in the water fountains. I brought in the hummingbird feeder as it was a bit frozen and then the hummers were outside wondering what happened to the food, so I put it back out. It was slushy, kind of like a frozen daiquiri, so I thought it would be okay for them to still get food out of the feeder. The hummer almost landed on the feeder while I still had it in my hand! Poor things! So...the birds are much happier now and it is warming up and the sun is shining. Our day looks much like the day that they are having in Washington skies and cold weather.

I saw my 4th cousin being interviewed. I think it's interesting that on my paternal grandmother's side, I am distantly related to several current Senators. Senator Hatch from Utah (the 4th cousin) and the Senators Udall, one from Colorado and one from New Mexico. The Udall's are my 5th cousins, once removed. And if you want to know what "removed" means...just ask! LOL Fun with genealogy. I have so many really interesting stories because I did our genealogy. It's just the best hobby ever. Besides photography of course! And birding, although I don't consider myself a full fledged (oooo, a pun I think) birder.

So, back to the parade! President Obama...May the heavens shine down and bless you and your family and oh, please, oh please, I hope these next 4 years bring some peace to this world. Oh, please. And at the end of every speech when our politicians say, "God Bless the United States of America!", I ALWAYS say, "And God Bless the rest of the world, also." God Bless EVERY LIVING THING ON THIS EARTH. Well, except those idiot Al Queda dudes. They can live on Neptune as far as I'm concerned, except they might foul the air there.

Take care my friends. Have a squirrelly day!

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