Purrsday Thursday

Has to be a shot of The Moggy today for my Blip. It is wet and windy outside just for a change, so attempts at photographing the daffodils did not go well! I'm still trying to get rid of this cold so I don't fancy going too far, since there's no urgency.

Work was better last night, since thanks to the power of paracetamol/codeine and Red Bull, I appeared normal! All the caffeine meant I wasn't totally exhausted when I wanted to sleep and Brian was able to keep me awake whilst demonstrating how asleep he was, with snores, clicks and experimental modern jazz style breathing!

There's an extra I meant to post yesterday of Minstrel attempting to sleep on the windowsill which is too narrow even for a small cat like him! He kept attempting to brace his paw against the cat-tree but as soon as he dosed off, it slipped and woke him up! 

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