Leap Year Day Snow Squalls

It was Leap Year Day, and I had a great idea for pictures. I wanted to go outdoors and jump up and down in the drive way and have my husband take pictures. I was hoping for something like those Philippe Halsman shots of Marilyn Monroe. (You can see a few of those here. Or just: google!)

But it was cold out and then suddenly it was snowing like the blue blazes. And I didn't end up going out, let alone taking pictures outside. For a change, I did not have to GO anywhere at all. And so I stayed in.

There were snow squalls in the morning, all afternoon long, and into the evening. And when it did, it was complete white-outs. Zero visibility. Of course, I had to take some pictures out the windows. This is a shot into our neighbor's yard across the street. You can see trees and a bird feeder hanging from one. And in front of all of that: SNOW!!!

There were others who weren't so fortunate as to be able to stay in. Of course, there were many traffic accidents during the squalls and I-80, a main route running east and west through Pennsylvania, was closed due to at least one or more jackknifed tractor trailers. The road eventually opened.

So I have two soundtrack songs for this snowstormy leap year day. One is for those of us who were able to stay in and simply enjoy the snow show: Michael Buble and Chris Isaak, with Let It Snow. The other is for the truckers in the jackknifed rigs; we pray they made it safely home to their loving families: Alabama, with Roll On.

Ah, but he calls them every night and he tells them that he loves them
He taught them this song to sing

Roll on highway, roll on along
Roll on daddy till you get back home
Roll on family, roll on crew
Roll on momma like I asked you to do
And roll on eighteen-wheeler, roll on (roll on)

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