Home assessed

Well, the safety assessment of my apartment took place this morning and on the whole it was pretty depressing. The only positive elements wer that both the recliner and my computer chair are just fine for me to sit down in and get up from. That means that when I get home Minkelina can sit on my lap when she pleases. On the other hand, the toilet is too low and I need a bed rail. My apartment seemed even smaller than usual given that I need to use the Walker to move around. And I got very tired quickly. But the OT took lots of notes and measured counter heights, the height of my washing machine and dryer, and sundry other things.

So now I've had to start researching bed rails and toilet risers, as well as sign up for one of those life alert systems. In my photo you see just one of the many pages I looked at trying to find the right bed rail, but none of them would do. I need to find out the manufacturer of the bed rails that are attached to my bed here, as they would be good for my home bed.

I got a brief glimpse of Minkelina when I first arrived. She was sleeping on the bed and roused yourself when she heard me calling her. Unfortunately she immediately spotted the PT behind me and dived under the bed. But she meowed periodically while I was there, and I think she was responding to the sound of my voice. So at least she knows I'm still alive.

I managed to get in and out of Lex's car without difficulty, which was encouraging. But I think that if I'm going to go home anytime soon, I'll need to rent a small wheelchair so that I can get myself to the mailbox and other parts of the building. It's a lot to be thinking about and pretty draining.

I hope all of your days were more energizing.

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