World Book Day

It's World Book Day today, and Rach sent me this photo of the girls before they went to pre-school (Violet) and school (Scarlett).   V is Stick Lady Love and S is Miss Hermione Granger.  The best of it is that Rach said they were doing it at work, and she went as Stick Man - I don't think I'm allowed to post that photo though!

I went to Chris' this morning to have my hair cut and highlighted, and we had a great morning catching up - he was on top form and we had a giggle :-)

While I was driving to Chris', I got a phone call from Nik my boss - Susan our new lady has quit after me training her for the last two days!  I said I hoped it wasn't anything to do with my training, but Nik said she told him that she wasn't made aware in the interview that she would have to do cleaning, and wasn't happy that she had to submit her hours at the end of each month!  We don't do the cleaning, we merely have to prepare the rooms and use antibacterial wipes on desks, keyboards, mice, door handles and light switches together with making sure the bathroom is kept clean and hygienic.  At the end of the day we're a medical centre and we have to comply with CQC rules - even more so while we're at risk of Coronavirus.   Anway, we're back to square one and will have to look for someone else, I just hope my new hours are honoured and they don't want to wait until we've found someone else.

Once I left Chris', I went to Sainsbury's to do a food shop and was amazed at the amount of empty shelves, people really are panic buying due to Corona.  The main thing I wanted to get was paracetamol due to my shoulder pain, and the shelves were completely bare!  

I then had to head to the marina as I had a torture physio session booked at 2pm.  Judit was pleased with the slight improvement in my range of movement, but with every movement my bones 'click' - it's not painful but it's a bit weird, and she tried to manipulate the shoulder blade and said that it's difficult in most people, but it's impossible with me.  She said the muscle around it is completely tight, so I've got some exercises to do over the next week and she'll try again next week.

Before heading home I popped into Asda and whilst some shelves were bare, it wasn't as bad as Sainsbury's and I did manage to get the paracetamol.  I stocked up on wine too, just in case lol! 

Tonight I've had a video chat with Laure, my French friend from Quebec that I'm doing the photos for, for the Normandy-Sussex Pass.  It's the first time we've actually 'met' and chatted, before it's always been a chat via messenger, but it's nice for both of us as she wants to improve her English and I want  to have the opportunity to speak French, so we did a bit of both. She's planning to be in Brighton in August, so hopefully we'll physically meet up when she's here

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