Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


This kind of feels like a flashback, because since the reserve has been closed for the flooding I've seen both Muntjac and roe deer, just rather distant for blipping.  It's still closed (as far as I know) but this morning I did spot this beautiful creature with a female, which answers the question I was mulling over the last time I posted a deer blip - am I seeing the same pair of deer each time.  I don't think he could possibly have grown those wonderful antlers in 3 weeks, do you?  No!  But isn't the velvet they're covered in fantastic..

And for those cynics among you, no I wasn't trespassing, I saw both of them on the edge of one bank of the river inside the reserve while I was standing on the brink of the other outside the reserve.  With all the bramble and dead reeds it's not as clear a shot as I'd have liked.  It made me think of my old boss who always said look at the light and don't just stand there, move to get the best angle.  He was right, but had I done that I'd be in the drink  ;))

Not a lot else.  Did some more cutting back in the garden and had my hair snipped.  And read.  And did a number of boring bits.  And now it will soon be the end of the working week (2 hours in the UK) and despite today's sun it looks like more rain all weekend.  Oh yipee  ;((

Have a good one  xx

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