Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Automation, Or Not?

Well, I'm all for making life easier through automation, but I'm not sure this is the answer.

It all started so well, I put my hands into the opening and felt the liquid soap dispense onto my hands, starting to rub in the soap the water started sprinkling down, washing away some of the soap before I could even get a lather.  I pulled my hands back, though the water didn't stop, then started singing 'Happy Birthday', twice to be left with sticky hands as the water stopped before I could rinse.  Putting my hands back under the machine, the dryer started, leaving my hands with a congealed mess all over them.

OK, I thought, there must be a better way of doing this. I started again.  More soap (didn't need that) but I left my hands under the water only to find it stopped before I could remove all of the soapy gunk on my hands.  I was in a right mess.

It wasn't as though there was a manual option.  Thankfully someone else came into the toilet.  It's unusual for men who don't know each other to talk in the toilets, but I think he saw my predicament and said there was a baby changing facility next door with a wash hand basin and towels.  Saved.

Ok, I'm probably making more of this than I should but from my reckoning the water was dispensed for less than 10 seconds, with no option to trigger more, it also came on immediately after the dispensing of the soap so there was no option to work the soap onto my hand before rinsing.  Great idea, much less chance of vandalism of units like this, but in the current times, it only seemed to be paying lip service to hygiene.

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