Journey Through Time

By Sue

Statuary Hall

Well, no. Not like the one at the White House. This statue belonged to my aunt and then she got tired of it and moved it along to our yard. Bill put some seed in that area that might be for water or seed, I guess...and the birds were "flocking" to it. Especially the other day when it was so cold and dry. Today, thankful that the freezing rain didn't hit our area, we are enjoying wet weather and the birds are not as active. Both Bill and I were able to get to our scheduled morning appointments with no weather problems. I did get this little junco taking advantage of the left over seed. This statue looks like it was once the lawn ornament in Kuwait, it is so beat up looking. I think they call that "character".

Not the best photo as the best view of this with the birds is through the window. Oh well. Life goes on. Oh, and on my Flickr page there are a few photos I took yesterday I think of the birds on this statue that actually are cuter than this photo. And also a close shot of a starling, who really have intricate feather patterns when you can get up close and personal to them.

Hope all is well with everyone. Catch ya later.

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