
Thank you for all the Information about the car yesterday. It looked rather grand on the outside but I understand the insides are rather mundane. JohnRH has provided a link. A case of this time beauty is only skin deep.

We managed the gym this morning although we do wonder how much longer we’ll be able to go.

We went to take Doreen to her day care this morning but she wasn’t well enough to go. Carers had not turned up her heating nor had they made sure she was wearing her emergency care button. That’s at least the fourth time that’s happened.

We went to check on her after the gym, she was still in pain and so tired. Susan tried ringing 111, giving up after and hour and called the surgery instead.

A doctor came out and diagnosed cellulitis which can be rather nasty. I’m waiting in the queue again at the late night pharmacy for her prescriptions. That’s been a trial as for a long time her prescription could not be found.

It’s my granddaughter’s 13th birthday today. We were hoping to talk to her this evening to wish her a happy birthday. It may not happen. What’s going on? How can it be I have a 13 year old granddaughter?

Little opportunity for a blip, this freshly minted magnolia will have to do. It is rather grand isn’t it??

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