Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Oh, What a ...........


It might have been raining first thing but it was still enjoyable to have a short walk around Rossthwaite and get this view down the valley towards Greenup Gill and Eagle Crag.

Even better a meet up with blipper, JohnGravett at their new home in Keswick.  No word of a lie, the view was to die for and I can imagine a tripod and camera permanently set up facing out through the picture window of their new home, looking over Keswick to the north eastern fells beyond.  It was great to catch up and see both John and his wife, Debs.

It all started to go pear shaped after I left.  Listening to the radio there was a report that Jet2 airline had cancelled all flights heading to Spain.  In some cases they had turned around in mid flight! L is due to come back tomorrow from Spain, on a Jet2 plane!  Trying to find out anything more was nigh impossible.  The call centre was permanently engaged and the website not updated.  Only on Facebook and Twitter was there any announcement of the decision to suspend all flights.  No indication how they were going to bring back the customers booked on flights with them.

We spoke to our travel agent who advised to try and book another flight ASAP.  We did, but that meant rather than a flight back to Manchester where I could pick her up on the way home, she would now be flying to Gatwick.  I booked out of the hotel and started to drive home to be in a better position to head to Gatwick tomorrow.  Then an hour later an email from Jet2 saying they still intended to transport passengers back from Spain.  I literally stopped my return journey at that stage and parked up in a motorway service area to try and confirm these details.  Not possible, the contact centre closed at 6 pm.  Now L was in a quandary what to do.  The other flight was from a different airport so she had to make a decision as both flights were due to take off at the same time.

In the end she's decided to go with the original flight so I've ended up in a Manchester Hotel for the night, and she has to try and cancel the second flight in the morning.  I'm sad for her because it has put a dampener on the holiday.  Fingers crossed everything goes according to schedule tomorrow (L don't read that bit, of course it will).

Day Miles: 5.3 miles       Total Miles: 342.0 miles

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