Capital adventures

By marchmont

Livid sky

A change of plan as Amelia continues to be under the weather, seems a mouth ulcer is causing the problems and she's very grumpy and clingy.

I swam in the morning then made rendang for tonight. WH and Olivia had been to the TTDI market early so there was more food and nasi lemak. I'm sorting out the Oz and NZ photos. Takes a while but I'm getting it down. Given today's news I'm glad I got to Oz and NZ when I did.

We played X Box and Olivia drew. We swam in the afternoons. Her breast stroke is really coming on and she made a good try of back stroke
It is do hot and humid here the pool is a welcome relief. There was rain, but no huge storm which is needed to clear the air.

Olivia and I made apple crumble for tea and later I spoke to J. It's her birthday today and they've also decided to stay in the UK rather than return home to rural France
A wise decision given what happened later in the day.

I was back in the pool in the dark, lying on my back looking at the sky and contemplating my options. It feels much safer here, but do I really want to stay another 3 or 4 months?

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