Quite a day

We had a much quieter night last night, although I woke up freezing and had to find something warmer to put on the bed, and Minkelina actually let me sleep until 9 a.m., when the home health nurse called to say she would be over in about an hour.

She did a physical examination and looked at my apartment setup, and let me know that I would get PT and OT services twice a week each. I will also have a bath aide once a week for a short period of time.  The amazing thing was that while she was here, for the first time ever, Minkelina not only stayed in the room but went to sleep on her pillows!  I was astounded.  I'm hoping that was a good omen.

The photograph here is of my dinner, Central Market's Thai chicken coconut curry soup that I have added lots of things to to make it more healthful and stretch it out for more meals.  It was delicious, but having to stand and cut up ingredients really wore me out and gave me a backache. I haven't the energy for cleaning up the mess, it will have to wait till tomorrow.

It's just been announced that gatherings of more than 50 people are now prohibited in  Washington State, and all restaurants, bars, clubs, theaters, and health and fitness clubs in the State are to close by the end of the month!  Only take out and delivery services can be provided by restaurants. All other retailers will be allowed to stay open provided they meet the public health directives.

Sarah has postponed her wedding until mid-October, and fortunately both the venue and her vendors were able to make the change at no extra charge. So when the wedding happens, all the babies will be older and I may actually be walking again. At least I hope so.

I hope all of you are feeling fine and staying out of trouble.

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