I'm glad I've always supported local shops because they are definitely coming to their fore now.  We're lucky to have good ones in Grange, but I think most places have good ones to be fair.  

I'm a bit sporadic on here at the moment, partly because I've lost my photograph mojo, partly because I'm having to try and sort things out for Mum from here.  Luckily brother lives close by and can help.  She's getting quite a few phone calls.  

It's been very hazy across The Bay all day and it's good to have the windows open.

I am now OCDing on things.  Have you noticed just how many surfaces in a day you touch and how many times you touch your face!!

It makes you realise who is doing the really important jobs doesn't it.

I hope you are all well and staying safe.  Do take care, much love to all. xx

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