Hearts for Heroes

Lockdown Day 8

Working from home is great, roll out of bed, get ready, switch computer on and have breakfast while you’re working - I could get used to this!  

We had a nice easy dinner of home made curry which was from my batch cooking taken out of the freezer.  Then after we’d eaten we went for our daily walk down to the seafront and back.  I felt tired tonight though and didn’t have a lot of energy, so I’m going to have an early night.

Julieanne the landlady of the Whitecliffs Cafe is an artist she she’s created this sign which they’ve put on the coast road, encouraging people to beep their horns to support the NHS and key workers.  She actually painted it over their sign that was a chef, with a menu board (see my extra). So as he’s holding a heart and as it’s to support our heroes, I thought it would be perfect for the Blip Challenge by my lovely friend HeartFreek.

Some sad news tonight is that the grandfather of one of Rachel’s colleagues has passed away tonight of Cobid-19 so our thoughts are with his family.  It hits more when it’s close to home!

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