Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

Male Chaffinch

The snow which was forecast for last night, I am pleased to say, did not arrive; today it is warmer and the snow is thawing. However, looking at the sky it looks as though it will freeze again this evening.

Today I should be working on my OU studies, but was easily side-tracked and did some housework. Mr A offered to empty the Dyson and managed to release the catch, which emptied the contents all over the kitchen floor; his excuse, it empties differently to the upstairs Dyson!

Then I sorted out all the bird food, which I purchased from Scotsdales the other day and filled all the feeders at our three feeding stations; this took almost an hour. After which I vacuumed upstairs, anything rather than study. By this time it was lunchtime and now this afternoon I think it might be a little late to start studying and I may do some knitting instead. Part of the problem is that the deadline for the work is not until March and I work much better with tight deadlines; tomorrow is another day and I think I will study all day.

Many of the birds in my garden seem to have disappeared today, no doubt finding other food, which is now being uncovered by the melting snow. So on the weekend of the RSPB's bird watch, where you watch the birds in your garden for one hour and record the numbers seen, I have not seen the female Blackcap, the Lesser Redpolls and only one Robin at a time. To me this means that what I am seeing today is not representative of the birds in my garden. I much prefer to do the Mammal Watch, which is carried out over thirteen weeks.

I did not take many pictures today and have decided to blip this male Chaffinch, which visited the bird table this morning.

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