The second half of life..

By twigs

Day 10 - Lockdown fliers

Another gorgeous day helped by my back woes easing enough to allow me to do some more gardening and a few other jobs.  It was whilst I was doing one of those other jobs that I heard the familiar drone of a drone overhead!  I searched the skies and then spotted it - a drone with a package of some sort dangling beneath it flying overhead.  I must admit, at that time I did find it amusing and had a chuckle about the 'new way' of delivering things.  Figuring that it would more than likely return at some point I got out my camera and sure enough, the return happened just a few minutes later when this shot (extras) was taken.  The 'strings' that had held the package were now flapping in the wind and it was about this point that I began to think about how potentially dangerous this wee antic could have been.  The entire trip seems to have taken place over a residential area - what would have happened if the string had tangled itself in the blades?  Would the whole shamozzle have fallen from the sky into some poor unsuspecting neighbour's back garden?  What was in the package?  I'm pretty sure from the look of it that this drone is not one built to carry stuff.  Whilst I congratulate the pilot on their ingenuity I do feel it was probably NOT a good (read 'safe') thing to do.

This beautiful thrush on the other hand, is built to fly in a much more regular and safe manner, though she seemed to be enjoying some ground time around the bird bath when I spotted her.  

And finally, this evening I find myself in a bit of a quandary - I seem to have lost my glasses during the course of the day.  I had thought they may have fallen off my head (where they often live) and then been raked up with the garden debris I collected today.  I've been through the debris I'd dumped into the bin but alas, no sign of my glasses.  I've been around the house and around the garden about a dozen times and I can't find them anywhere..........bizarre, and more than a tad frustrating.  The search will have to resume tomorrow as it's too dark now.........and I can't see to look anyway!

Feeling very much in the dark and very insecure when I can't see properly.

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