Spring has Sprung

Not my poetry (Spike Milligan) but...
Spring has sprung

The grass is ris

I wonder where 

The birdies is.

Today had the real feeling of spring in the air and, even with a bit of a bite to the breeze, there was plenty of sun and blue sky.  I spent the morning photographing, and then editing, some old photos for a friend whose mother is helping an old lady to compile her memoirs for her family.  The photos were not good (poor focus, blown highlights, wonky horizons...) but a bit of photoshop helped.

Later, we went out with Pepper for our exercise towards Hulcott  to deliver the edited images and then walk on a bit.  I didn't get much further as we diverted via the small church where I soon became involved in some close up work with the primroses.  John continued on.

I used a zoom lens to throw foreground and background out of focus keeping the middle ground sharp.  I should have used a bigger zoom but I only had the 12-100 on the camera, as I hadn't planned this.  Maybe I'll take my daily exercise back there again with a different lens.  A bonus was a tiny beetle crawling on a flower - macro lens needed for that - but it's still quite effective.  I was, of course, for those that know me well, flat on my front! an extra of a beetle-free shot.

Thanks to everyone that cheered me up yesterday with their comments. It would be easy to only write positive things - but I want to recall in the future what a challenging time this is for us all and we will all have our 'down' times.

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