Unusual Times, Unusual picture..........

In full disclosure, I had posted my Blip yesterday, and then went for a bike ride to the top of a rather long hill from my villa, 7 miles away.  I saw that we were going to have lovely sunset, so I peddled really hard and used the turbo assist to get to the top in time to catch the view in as open an area, without trees as I could get.  It wasn't what I had hoped for, but you can't get them every time.   
    I had coasted about half way down the hill, when the rearview mirror flashed in my eye, brightly!!!   I stopped, got off, and caught the second view of the sunset.   It was spectacular!   I stayed there for about 5 minutes enjoying it, and having several people stop and ask if I was in trouble.   I was very pleased that in spite of the virus, people were still willing to help an old lady on the side of the road with her bike! :-)))).
     As it turns out today, we are having lots of off and on rain, so I decided to post the sunset, even though it was taken last evening at sunset.  There haven't been opportunities to walk the girls, and they are really upset with  me that I haven't changed the weather for them. 
            Gosh, didn't realize I was a weather magician.

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