Garden Furniture Day

As a hot day was forecast, I got the garden furniture and stained glass panel out of the garage where it got stored over Winter. I'm still doing the prep for building the raised bed. The large bed will be anchored down with 6 long metal spikes, but as my soil is incredibly stony, I'm having to dig a hole for each spike and remove the stones and fist sized flints and put the soil back. I did half this morning, then sat reading in the warm sun this afternoon - it reached 21C despite being quite windy. 

Day 21 / Day 13 of Lockdown (for my record only)
UK deaths up 621 to 4,934, Italy up 525 to 15,887 and Spain up 674 to 12,418 (potentially having peaked?). New York State deaths up to 4,159 (more cases have now been reported than in China's Hubei province). Trump says there will be 'a lot of death' but then talks of relaxing the social-distancing rules over Easter. If this takes hold in Africa, I heard that there is only 1 doctor for 70,000 people. 

The Queen addressed the Nation, an excellent speech acknowledging the huge challenges and changes to our lives, our gratitude to key workers, that better days will return, the UK coming together, the global common endeavour, the pain of separation and that 'we'll meet again'. Scottish Chief Medical Officer given a warning by Police for visiting her 2nd home twice contrary to her own guidance. We were warned by the Health Secretary that if people flaunt the rules, we will not be allowed our daily outside exercise. The PM has been admitted to hospital for tests re CV.

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