Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Flower Feast

Another day in the hide until I was driven in by strong winds and thunder storms.  I nearly lost my hide, too, as a big gust of wind caught it and took both of us halfway across the patio before I was able to get it under control.  I'm sure it was quite a sight.

This rather plain little brown bird is a female House Finch, a common backyard bird in most of N. America.  And she's eating the nectar end of the cherry blossom.  This is something I've observed finches doing every spring and photographed more than once.  Still, it is deserving of today's blip just because it's kind of endearing.  

I took time out to watch Governor Cuomo of NY give his press briefing.  Watched a bit of Governor Murphy of NJ's briefing too.  These two Governors as well as the Gov of Connecticut are acting as a united front in making decisions for our three states, handling ordering of medical supplies and equipment and determining next steps.  I feel that we are in very capable hands and am grateful.  I wish I wasn't living in the US epicenter of this dreaded virus, but at least I have faith in our local leaders.  Can't say the same on the federal level, alas.  I no longer bother to watch the presidential briefings as they are a long litany of blame and self-aggrandizing (sorry if any are offended by this) with very little substance.  I can always find the clips of Drs. Fauci  and Birx online so at least can hear what they have to say.  New Jersey hit a sad milestone today with over 50,000 infected.

Today is the weekly trip to the grocery store which Hubs does.  Masks are now required in all retail stores in our area.  And I disinfect everything as it comes in.  We hope to escape getting Covid 19 by being very careful.

Stay home, stay safe, be kind...


Covid 19 Stats
Positive cases in NJ as of 2PM today - 51,027
Deaths in NJ - 1,700
Positive cases in Sussex County -  392 -  21 deaths

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