Day 18 Going Bananas

My choice of foodstuff for this week's AT theme of Food, set by our host, Ingeborg, rather than the figurative meaning.  My original shot was given a Wave effect in PS Elements, then layered with a copy of the original before giving the result another dose of the Wave effect filter.
Today was wonderfully warm and sunny, with clear blue skies yet again.  I limited my outdoors time due to allergies but spent a couple of hours reading in the garden this afternoon:  I've just started Peter May's Lockdown, which is gripping reading and in the light of our current situation, fascinating to say the least.  Follow my link to read the story behind the story.
This afternoon Daughter #2 visited to collect Violet's Easter gifts from us and we chatted briefly at a suitably safe distance.  Once home, my daughter sent me a Whatsapp recording of Violet thanking us.  I t was lovely to hear that little voice, and sad to know that we won't see her yet for some time.
This evening many of our street came out to clap to show our now weekly appreciation for our key workers and take the opportunity to have a chat.
This evening we learned that the Prime Minister is out of ICU and so we can assume, well on the road to recovery. 

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