Little Weed

One person’s weed is another person’s flower.

This dandelion is growing by a down pipe. I will let it do its thing this Spring.

I photographed it first thing, it was all closed up. I photographed it lunchtime, it was open. By 3.30 pm it had closed up again, seemed a bit early. They do close to protect the pollen overnight.

A lady from the Council bought us bags of food today. I had booked a click and collect from ASDA three weeks ago (deliveries impossible). But then the lockdown and J getting the NHS Text telling her to self-isolate and not go beyond the house. Which means I am also self-isolating, to protect her. So we could not collect the shopping.

Fortunately she was contacted by a service set up to help people like us. We are now very dependent on other people. Everyone always is of course, but this situation makes it all too apparent.

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