
By dunkyc

There will be chocolate

Easter Sunday draws to a close and a nation, nay the world, has changed into some form of expandable clothing to allow room for the roast dinners, barbecues and yes of course, copious amounts of chocolate that have no doubt been consumed today.

For me, it is the first Easter in my new-ish home and aside from the enforced absence of one of my children, I’ve loved it. I’ve had plenty of quality time with my youngest, we’ve eaten well, played and made some stuff out of rubbish and also clay.

When it comes to arts and crafty stuff, the ability of my hands often fails to match the creative ambition of my mind, but I was determined to muck in with the children who were making characters from Mario Kart and try to make…….something.

We’ve been watching Wallace & Gromit lately and I could see that the children’s minds were blown by the fact that these were plasticine figures being moved frame by frame. It’s a detail I love of A Grand Day Out in that you can quite literally see the fingerprints of the animators in the characters.

Anyway, that was my inspiration for today’s blip and yes, the legs are a different colour from the body because we’d run out of THAT colour for the body OK? OK.

Happy Eastermas and diabetic comas aside….

Stay healthy.

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