Well OK it is a camellia, one of our white/creamy ones.  I loved the way the light hit the seed heads so have tried to capture that for you.

Quiet morning, neighbour popped round for a chat - she stood well back and I stood in the doorway so we were more than two metres away.

I have to draw our curtains in the lounge in morning with the sun being so strong (which is sad, but still it's lovely to have so much of it) I was drawing them back when sat right in the middle of the balcony wall was a really beautiful and very colour finch. I don't know which one a bit too colourful to be a goldfinch I think - it was sooooo beautiful.  Sadly all this only took seconds it moved off so quick that I couldn't get a picture of it.  I'm going to try and stick some birdfeeds into the flowerpots on the balcony then just sit and wait with the camera ready to see if I can capture any.  U can here so many more birds now.  Usually we only get blackbirds, gulls, pigeons and occasional robin or blue tit so it's totally wonderful hearing so many.

G has done his, now daily duty, of cleaning door handles, switches, doorbell, letterbox etc,  

I made a couple of colourful collages for the EDPS project from my archived photos.  It's a helpful exercise as it helps me realise some of the things I need to concentrate on. 

The LetsDo52 project this week is "flower and composition".  A lot my flowers are now going over but I'm sure I have some good shots that were taken very recently and will still try and photograph some more of what we have so I can select something that may be a little presentable. The club is now so full of excellent photographers that mine just won't be up to some of their standards, however, it does not matter it gives me incentive and is helping get my photographic mojo back.

Hope you are all still well and staying safe.  

Take care, stay home and stay safe (apart from your necessary exercise and essential shopping of course).

Lots of love to everyone.  See you all tomorrow.

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