Growing green

Good things -

The buds on the beeches are opening up

Mr C saw his first red squirrel in the wood
for 3 years

Poppy’s 10 puppies are thriving like baby

The memoirs have reached Hong Kong
1968-70. I was wondering if that was still
the Olden Days for the daughters till Mr C
reminded me 50 years was as far back as
the difference between WW1 and The
Beatles. Like Bictor Meldrew I Cannot
Believe It

I’m having a (virtual) cocktail with Carol
tonight. Her choice is Liquid Cocaine.

The Co-op delivery brought bananas and

Not so good -

Despite the fasting the weight is exactly the same as 5 weeks ago, I can’t sleep after that day so I’m giving up. I need the gym as well as walks and no gin for a month.

The Co-op did not deliver a Guardian.
My disappointment was out of proportion

Liquid cocaine sounds gopping -
peach schnapps (too sweet),
amaretto (marzipan yuk),
Southern Comfort (foul)
and Pineapple juice, (sweet)
So it’ll be White Lady - gin, Cointreau and
lemon juice and ice

And bad

Charlie, next door but one, told us from the
garden that his wife, a Doctor-on-call, had to
treat a COVID patient without PPE. So now
she can’t work till she gets her test result.

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