
Thought Id been woken up in the middle of the night by the binmen......7.30 for goodness sake lol!!! That was me awake but didnt rush to get up straight away ;-)

Breakfast as usual, but much earlier than of late.....sat in the summerhouse, but it was a bit chilly as the sun hadnt warmed it up yet ;-)

I sprayed all the recently power washed patios and paths with some "patio magic" which apparently is good and prevents the green algae from building up again.....we shall see!
After that it was coffee time.....hubs not been feeling 100%, still got his sinus problems, gives him a pressure headache. He had exactly the same thing this time last year too, took weeks for it to clear up :-/ Hes srill got the medication and cream from the GP so been using that.....fingers crossed!

Lunch was bacon & egg sandwich for hub, I had the rest of the tuna pasta from yesterday.
Last week I realised my weight had crept up, +3 lbs so that had to go, which it has, back to where I was before lock down now, need to stay focused!

Its been a bit more hazy today, but when the sun did come out properly, it was really warm!
Sun cream and shorts again this afternoon, whilst reading in the garden...mammoth book update, read 44%, 483 pages! Glad its on my Kindle and not a real book, would be like holding one of the old Freemans mail order catalogues lol!!!

After todays update we did our usual circular walk, only 7500 steps today. Todays blip was taken just as we were heading back, when I noticed the gorse in full bloom with that rather hazy watery sun in the sky......job done.

Dinner this evening was Tom Kerridges Pork Ragu, with easy meal, as I had already made the ragu earlier :-)

Everyone in our drive on their doorsteps again at 8pm, as loud as ever :-)

We have watched and donated to the Big Nighte In......enjoyed it, but some of the comedy left me a bit cold, must be getting grumpy in my old age ;-))) Looks like they will raise a substantila amount, to be matched by the Government, which is fab!!

Hope everyone is Staying home and staying safe x

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