Another Day in the life of a Lady

I had thought that by getting up at 6am and going for a cycle run up to the Braids, which is the furthest outlying bit of Edinburgh I’m prepared to venture to at the moment, that the roads on a Sunday so early during the lockdown would be empty, but I was wrong. They seemed busier than a Sunday BC and I have to wonder why. Why were so many people out in cars earlier than ever before.
Even Glasgow daughter noticed the heavier than usual volume of Sunday traffic at 7am in her area.

By getting my exercise over by 7:45, I felt free to do nothing remotely energetic for the rest of the day. There were phone calls to be made and the Andrew Marr show to be watched and once the temperature rose to double figures when the sun came out, there was a little sitting on the patio reading.

Now I’m waiting until it’s time to connect with Wildwood on Zoom. My first question to her will be to ask if she’s tried the Trump antiseptic method of beating Covid19. That should get her going!!
BC - before Covid

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