Living in an apartment doesn't lend itself to junk - no space.
However, I have a utensil drawer in the kitchen which could be a junk-ish kind of drawer and was tidied up several weeks ago.
I have dragged out this lovely nutcracker I bought in Sarlat (France) many years ago now when I was travelling with three other girls.  We have all said recently how lucky we were to have travelled then as, A) we're younger and B) there wasn't CV19 to trip us up.  Phew.  
The additional pieces are:
a gift from DonnaWanna firmly placed in the nutcracker;
acorn caps collected with Sophia and
a cap from a macrocarpa - perhaps picked up in Margaret River some time ago and a lovely cap too.

A big thank you to MaryElizaR for hosting the challenge in April.

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