Diluain: Monday: Montag: Lundi:

One of those days. 

I woke before 4am and got back to sleep sometime after 5am. Then I woke and got up at 7am. The end result was a weary old dude. 

Work was busy but not demanding. Still I struggled to keep the enthusiasm and energy alive. 

On the other hand, I am still well and I still have my job. The UK’s virus death figure continues to be horrendous. It has been a total failure of political leadership, unless it is what they had in mind all along.

Today we got April’s “unemployment” figures to add to the fun. Most of them are still employed, but with the state paying 80% of salary. 


Minimum wage is not much. 80% of it is terrible.  

On the positive side, I finished a good book last night. It may have caused the sleepless night - Chechnya and the second war. My next one (Blipped) is lighter.  

The narrative starts in Córdoba in Argentina. In one of those coincidences which makes you wonder about data sharing (I ordered the book online) YouTube took me to Argentina tonight.  


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