
Janet spots a lot of my Blips for me. She spends a lot of time peering at her flowers and vegetables, looking for pests and diseases, and so notices a lot of details I might overlook. So hey! Today at least is not 'just another bee'...

She came rushing in while I was still barely dressed (thank you for your thoughts, by the way, but I won't be doing a monthly strip. (probably)), saying "there's a frog trapped in the small pond!"... Oh, calamity!

You'll remember perhaps that I sank an old Belfast sink into the rear flower border to act as a wildlife pondlet. When the frog spawn appeared in the main pond, I separated some off to the sink to protect it from the voracious koi...

Grabbing the camera (of course) I went to find this young adult frog peering through the mesh I'd put in as a means of escape from the sink. He was fine, and presumably thought it was an easily defendable sunbathing position. 

One shot was all I was allowed, and he dropped below the surface.

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