Daily Exercise

Lockdown Day 46

This morning I went out on my bike and did a 15.5 mile circuit along the undercliff, into Brighton and on to Hove and then cycled inland towards Seven Dials, down to the station and into North Laine and back home along the seafront.  I decided to take photos of Brighton in lockdown with the quieter streets, and although this image actually makes it look busy, it's Madeira Drive which has been closed to the traffic to provide an area for people to exercise.  There are officials monitoring the situation at all times and although this image might make it look busy, it actually wasn't, it's just that my zoom has compressed it - there was plenty of room for everyone to keep a safe distance.  I've added some of my other images of a much quieter Brighton and Hove to my extras.

Once home I went in the hot tub before having a shower and then had lunch with Alan.  I had my virtual consultation with Ben and he's happy with my progress and says it should continue to improve over time but to call him if I have any problems.  Ben and his wife are due to have a baby in a few weeks time, so I've offered to do them some photos after lockdown as a thank you for everything he's done.  I've said there'd be no charge, but I fully understand if they'd prefer to use someone else, and they know how to contact me if they decide they'd like me to take them.

I then had a nice afternoon in the garden with my book, chatted to Kate and then Ibby called, and once Alan finished work we had a beer in the garden before dinner, which was closely followed by the weekly clapping.

I've got a bit behind again with your journals, so I'll try and catch up over the weekend.  Hope you have a good one and are all staying well.

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