
By KatesGardenPDX

A VERY Warm Saturday

It reached 85 degrees F (30 C) here today - we often aren't even that warm in the height of summer. It was a beautiful morning however, so I took an early walk - I saw a number of people who were also walking early today to avoid the heat. Then I spent much of the day in the garden, doing cooler, shadier things in the afternoon...like washing old plant pots.

Today the Siberian Iris bloomed - I only have a small clump now, having taken out an enormous overgrown clump earlier this year. I do love these iris (along with the bearded ones of course) but they are short bloomers and take up a lot of real estate rather quickly. At any rate, they were beautiful this morning, contrasting with the lovely lush spring green that we're experiencing today.

Tomorrow I expect my first ITOH peony blossom (one of my very fave garden plants) as well as an amazing blue bearded iris. Another hot day forecast, followed by a week of rainy days!

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend! Stay well and be safe.

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