Restful Day

I was so tired today...a long, emotional week. So after our customary Sunday morning walk, I had a very quiet day. Called my mom (at home with my sisters) and my dad (still at the hospital), my birthmother (in Pennsylvania) and my son and grandchildren called me on FaceBook Messenger and we used the app to make ourselves look silly in a hundred ways, roaring with laughter the whole time. 

There were a few showers on and off this afternoon. I put some of the houseplants outdoors - I think this week will be warm enough for them to enjoy the move. Then a wander through the garden with the camera. I love this time of year, with so much new growth and some plants still barely emerging from the earth, like the dahlias. This lovely, untouched-by-slug calendula (Calendula officinalis) just fully opened and collected drops of rain during a shower this afternoon. Did you know that it's fully edible? The petals are a stunning addition to salads and sprinkled on soup or eggs :-)

More news about Dad tomorrow. My sister will be having a conference with the doctors and social worker on next steps. He told me today that he's just not hungry - he couldn't eat his breakfast so sent it away and told the nurse he didn't want lunch. She was insistent, so he drank an Ensure. This, I think, is the most worrisome of signs. 

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