May 9th Snowstorm: Snow On the Redbuds

The thing is - and listen up here, Mother Nature! - it is supposed to be springtime here. But you wouldn't know it by the past few days' weather! We got a pretty decent snowstorm on Friday night for about a half-hour, and I was impressed enough to go out and take some pictures.

The temperatures dropped into the 20s, and on Saturday, it snowed off and on - often, quite blustery snow, with fast and furious flakes - ALL AFTERNOON!!!! The sky would be blue, and then the clouds would come, and the wind would blow, and down came the snow!

I took a few pictures to remember it by, for a May snowstorm might be a little something for the record books. I enjoyed the contrast of snowflakes against the spring blooms. So above you may see a photo of snow against the redbuds, which are blooming in their lovely, pink glory in our yard.

A soundtrack song for a May snowstorm: the Bangles cover Paul Simon: Hazy Shade of Winter.

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