Mothers Day visit

Today is Mothers Day here in the US, and in spite of the nasty, nasty weather—which included both pouring rain & a little short-lived snow—I’ve had a wonderful day. All 4 of my brothers texted to wish me a HMD, my sister texted, 3 of my sister-in-laws texted, some friends texted, my granddaughter (one of the twins) was texting with me, & then my step-daughter, son-in-law & both of the twins face timed me. We had such a nice visit, & the girls wanted to show me their hair; Ella’s was tipped in pink & Addy’s in blue! Pretty cool! They were in their swim suits, as the air is close to 70 but the pool water is 90, so they’d already been in swimming. No sooner had we ended the Video call then Jennie pulled in the driveway with the girls. In spite of the awful weather they all got out of the car. Noelia was sound asleep but Jennie brought her up to the door in her car seat & opened the flap so we could see her. I wish I’d thought to take a picture with all three of them, but I didn’t think of it until Noelia was already back in the car. Mae was so excited to come up to the door, & told me she’d been crying for me a couple days ago. My sweet Mae. She asked if when the CV is gone, can I play with her all day?......sure. Can we go to the beach & throw rocks in the water & go for a walk then go get ice cream at the place we went when grandpa got his medicine? ........of course! LOL. We were so happy to see them, especially with the weather being so bad. You KNOW it’s cold when they’re wearing winter coats! The extra is of Jennie & Mae—it’s not real sharp because of the condensation on the glass of the door but I liked it. Wishing all the moms, grandmas, and special mom-type people in your lives a Happy Mothers Day. :))

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