Begins with the Letter 'T'.... I've gone with "tools", of which Tom must own close to every one of them known to man. I've never counted his tool chests, but I'm guessing there has to be at least 7 or 8, & they're all full.  This morning, I drove Tom to the clinic for his lab test, dropped him at the door and ran over to the grocery store to pick up a few things. I knew I had to be quick, as it doesn't take long for the tech to draw his blood & I didn't want him to have to wait for me. But wouldn't you know it, as I was heading toward the door of the store I heard my name called, and there was my long-time co-worker who I'd not seen in about 5 years. She retired early because she had cancer, so of course I asked how she was doing, and before I knew it, it was 20 minutes later. I ran into the store, grabbed what I needed, and guess what......not one single "live person" check-out.....only the self checkout lines, which I hate! I'm convinced it's physically impossible to scan your own items without somehow setting off the red light, which means you can't proceed until the person working there comes and sees what's wrong and then re-sets the scanner. So of course I get behind a lady who sets the light off within the first three items. Then I realize there's only 1 employee for all those self-serve lanes, and as I'm looking around I see 4 different red lights flashing, the customers are looking around for the help,  and the poor girl is literally RUNNING from one scanner to the next to help people. Why does that always happen when you're in a hurry? So she finally cleared the light of the lady ahead of me who finished scanning & bagging her items, and I start scanning & just as I'm congratulating myself on scanning all 5 items without incident, it won't take my debit card.......what the heck! Then I look up, and sure enough, the darn red light is flashing! Why? Who knows. The girl didn't know either, so she just cleared it for me so I could pay and leave. I got in the car and sent Tom a message to say I'd be there in about a minute, then drove to the doors to pick him up. He got in the car and asked if I'd found everything I'd wanted.....never said one word of complaint that he'd been sitting there for over 40 minutes. By the time I had explained what happened I was all riled up again, but he said after all the hours I spent sitting with him while he was in the hospital, and all the hours I've waited while he had labs drawn or doctor visits, he sure wasn't going to complain about having to wait for me one time. That was sweet. :)   Thanks to Laurie54 for hosting MonoMondays in May & hope you all have a great start to the week. 

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