Scots Pine Flowers

A depressingly routine day today..

Woke up at 5 a.m. (5.5 hours sleep)
Made pot of coffee - drank whilst perusing Blip journals
Walked with Finlay
Breakfast and ablutions
Checked camera for a suitable blip shot - snapped these Scots Pine flowers on the walk and they have come out OK. No need to worry further about a Blip image today
Walked around the garden several times - trying to keep daily step count up..
Contemplated some clearing up (?garage) - but what is the point as this looks like continuing until at least October.
Wasted rest of the morning - apart from drinking lots of coffee
Contemplated some more clearing up - dismissed again. Thought about tea
Walked around the garden again / threw ball for dog a few times
Wasted rest of the afternoon - apart from cups of tea

Posted Blip

Expect the rest of the day will follow familiar pattern :

Make tea (dinner to you posh lot)
Beer o’clock
Watch TV

Rinse and repeat tomorrow….getting tedious now

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