Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

New toy

My iPad was one of the early ones; I’m not sure when I bought it but it must be at least eight years old.  They’ve developed a lot since then and a couple of years ago Apple stopped updating the software on mine; apparently it couldn’t handle the latest levels.  It wasn’t really a problem; everything still worked, but gradually some of the apps stopped working, particularly the Banking ones.  Even that wasn’t too bad, as last year I bought a Mac so have been doing a lot of things on that.  But since the lockdown we’ve both been doing a lot of things online so I decided it was time I upgraded my iPad and this is it, complete with ‘Magic Keyboard’.  I have to say it’s rather impressive; I particularly like that you can point it at something, a wall, say, and get an exact measurement of how long it is.  Could be useful if our house move ever comes off.

In other news, today we made face masks from an old t-shirt.  W went first and after about an hour threw hers in the bin.  I tried next; first I jammed the sewing machine, but after sorting that out I produced something which may just be wearable.  And I emphasise ‘just’.  I’ve ordered some proper ones online; they’ll be delivered on Saturday.

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