First Harvest

Foliage was the perfect subject for today's Abstract Thursday (thank you, Ingeborg), as today I harvested the first few leaves from our homegrown spinach: 41g to be precise! And it tasted like -- young spinach leaves! Yay!

Robin kept me company while I snapped off the leaves that were big enough, though he didn't come on my hand today. He seems to be quite friendly whether there's food to hand or not. He listens when I talk to him, and very occastionally  twitters back. He's an absolute joy - and I appreciate all the lerve you gave my yesterblip in which he starred.

Lots of garden flowers are beginning to show colour and open up - the alliums, the yellow irises in the pond, and the delphiniums to name but a few. I shall maybe blip them tomorrow for Flower Friday.

Off now for another walk. Unlike yesterday, I hope today to avoid stepping in a cowpat! I wonder if we'll see any starfish lying beside the main road - we saw one yesterday - long dead - and wondered how it got there. Decided it must've been dropped by a gull. So, off we go to the same old places, but to adventures new ...!

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