What did I see today...?

By DaveR


Aaaaaaaaaaand now it should be clear why I suddenly realised I needed to post the heck out of yesterday and today (see '30' for the 2012-back-Blippathon) - 500 Blips in a Row! Every single one of them is in the collage here, and to keep it true to form the 500th was shot tonight and made the centrepiece - not the best bit of light painting but it was surprisingly windy out there and this was the only one the camera stayed up on!

Thanks as always to everyone who reads and supports the journal, I'm very much surprised I've kept an audience and myself entertained for 500 in a row. I'm still planning on keeping up with Blipping and Blipfoto, and now everything has calmed down after NaNo, Christmas, New Year and my birthday, I might even stay up to date with my journal and everyone else's too!

So, for the final catch-up, here are all today's uploads for anyone interested:

The 2013 Catch-Up Blippathon!
The Soul Searching Sheep of Destiny
Portrait of a Blipper
A Light Dusting
Blue X
Softly, softly
Da**it Amazon!
Redbreast II
Blipping in the Snow
Back to the Gardens
Tommy in the Snow
30 Pics of Dave

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