Nature walk.

So - We've managed to get our first Tesco delivery tomorrow, but we've run out of milk and bread. We decided to walk up to the local garage and pay extortionate prices for said items. Jeff fancied walking back along the canal to see the Cygnets. I'd only got my phone, and how typical to not only see the Swans out and about, but the Ducks were busy feeding their young. It was fascinating to watch them. If only I'd got my camera (and been on my own!) Made a note of the time and hope they are creatures of habit and I'll catch them another day!

The Lambs are growing, but are still at the inquisitive age and fearless of people.

Jeff said that's the last time he'll walk along the canal path, it's busier than the M1. We were permanently  having to get out of the way of cyclists ....... 'Coming Through' was the constant sound on their bells! And families sauntering along the path with no sense of urgency as we stood as close to the hedgerow as we could to allow them to pass.

This weekend we can't believe how things have all almost reverted back to before lockdown. So busy on the roads, and we can hear the familiar ( from before lockdown) sounds of motorbikes on our village bypass. Known locally as the 'Organ donors" as they race back and forth on the straight stretch of road. I'm beginning to think I rather preferred 'Lockdown" and the peace it brought. Oh my goodness, I sound like the oldy that I am!!!

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