Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

The Little Moments

When I  posted my first image on Blipfoto, I didn't particularly like snakes or spiders or even most insects.  Now, nearly 8 years far I've come!  I am actually no longer scared of spiders or snakes; in fact, I have come to like both.  And insects...well, suffice it to say that if I were doing my life over, I might pursue something in the field of entomology.  

All by way of saying that as I was removing some invasive plants in a big natural rock formation near my pollinator garden and startled a little Garter Snake, I was thrilled.  He was moving slowly which served me well in terms of photos.  Every so often, he'd flick his red tongue, trying to get a whiff of me I suppose. I can't tell you how many bursts I fired trying to get that tongue out.  This was my best shot, although I do wish the background was cleaner.  Oh well, that's snake habitat.  And now I know where he lives so perhaps I'll get a better shot sometime later.

Last evening I got quite a treat when I saw the pair of orioles engaged in some courtship activity, something I've never been able to observe in this species.  In the midst of this, a second female showed up which caused a huge stir, lots of singing, lots of chasing and displays of aggression.  This morning, the original pair was here with him singing while she fed.  This bodes well for them having a breeding territory very nearby. Not that I want to get too far ahead of myself...

We had to have repairs done on our garage door today - just what we didn't need was a big expense right now.  But what can you do?  It did, however, mean that we both stayed very close to home.  

Bird life was a little slow this morning in the garden, but chipmunk activity was very lively and highly entertaining.  The young chipmunks seem to learn mostly by trial and error, which makes for some very funny moments as they taste everything that crosses their path.  Very much like human children, as I think about it.

New Jersey is now into Phase 1 of reopening.  Everything is being done with fingers on the numbers so that we don't go back to where we've just been.  To say that the situation in New York and New Jersey has been hellish would be an understatement.  In just our two states, over 30,000 precious human lives have been lost to this virus in the last couple of months.  That is almost more than I can comprehend, or bear.  

So please continue to socially distance, stay safe, and be kind...


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